Improv Discussion and Resources
Level up your performance by listening to performers, teachers, actors, writers, directors, and producers share their experiences with you on Improv Discussion and Resources. Host Chris Griswold and an array of guests discuss what they love about improv, what they're working on and useful tools for improvisers. Discuss the podcast on the Improv Discussion & Resources Facebook group (https://www.facebook.com/groups/improvtalk/) or Improv Discussion & Resources Discord: (https://discord.gg/GRvtacUh7Z)Thunderbolt Comedy - https://www.thunderboltcomedy.com
Podcasting since 2021 • 9 episodes
Improv Discussion and Resources
Latest Episodes
"Meet people where they are" - Shannon Stott
Today, my guest is Shannon Stott. Shannon is the creator and director of Improv On and Off the Stage, A virtual Improv Studio offering virtual classes and workshops. Based in Austin, TX she has been performing and teaching Improv si...

Adaptations with Kareem Badr
Today, my guest is Kareem Badr. Kareem is one of the owners of The Hideout Theatre in Austin, TX , and with his improv team Parallelogramophonograph, he co-authored “Do It Now”, a book of essays on narrative improvisation. In ...

"Empathize first" - David Escobedo
Today, my guest is David Escobedo. David is the creator of The Improv Boost, a community-focused social media presence with more than 29,000 followers. David has been teaching and performing improv since 1994. He has studied at iO,...

From Love to Death with Rhiannon Jenkins
Today, my guest is Rhiannon Jenkins. Rhiannon is an improviser from London who has been very busy during Lockdown. She has directed The Love Circle,

"Do it over and over until your body learns to live onstage" - Michael Hartney
Today, my guest is Michael Hartney. Michael was the Artistic Director of UCB New York, where he also co-created the character comedy house teams and spent years on both improv and sketch house teams. This year, Michael co-founded the new nonpro...